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The Future of Content podcast

Jan 23, 2024

Today, we sit down with Samantha Enslen from Dragonfly Editorial to chat about how you can turn industry jargon into compelling content. Samantha offers a valuable look into the process of making intricate concepts digestible, from employing the ISO's guidelines for plain language to embracing an "explain like I'm five" philosophy. Whether it's the tactile charm of print or the swift click-through of digital media, we examine the evolving landscape of content creation and why major businesses are leaning on specialized teams like Dragonfly to articulate their value.

As we wrap up our dialogue, Samantha pulls back the curtain on the meticulous design choices that keep readers hooked, from the allure of a well-placed infographic to the familiar comfort of scrolling through a PDF. We then pivot to the significance of carving out a niche in a market brimming with agencies, as Dragonfly's expertise in demystifying complex content sets them apart.

Eager to learn more? Samantha welcomes you into the Dragonfly community, where you can explore the interplay of writing, editing, and design to elevate your own content creation game.